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vmmonitor is a command line tool written in Perl used to monitor/locate VMware images in distributed environment. It's easy to use. You can use getIP or getName to locate the Vmware image in large number of images. Please refer to manual part for detail usage.


1.Download source code from vmmonitor project download page.

2.Modify the username/password part in the source code line 45 (vmmonitor.pl) . You can add all vmware servers you want to monitor.

3.Then try to use vmmonitor.pl getIP IP_ADDRESS to locate a VMware image by IP address.

4.You can also to locate a VMware image by its Name using: vmmonitor.pl getName VMWARE_IMAGE_NAME.

5.If you are using VMware ESX , you can modify the source code to monitor more detail VMware image resource. I am poor and only use VMware GSX .


Feel not that distinct? Please look at following screenshot. Over 50 VMware images hosted on 5 physical machines. I use vmmonitor to monitor/locate VMware images easily.

vmmonitor screenshot



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